
If you experience ongoing pain in the area near your ear, your jaw or the muscles on the side of your face, possibly accompanied by a clicking or popping sound or restricted jaw movement, you may be suffering from TMD — an abbreviation for Temporomandibular disorders. Sometimes people incorrectly use the term TMJ to refer to these problems, when in fact TMJ is the abbreviation for the temporomandibular joint — or jaw joint — itself. So while you definitely have a TMJ (two of them in fact), you may or may not have TMD.

TMD Muscle Pain Cycle

TMD, then, describes a group of conditions characterized by pain and dysfunction of the TMJ and/or the muscles surrounding it. It's not always so easy to figure out exactly what's causing these symptoms, but the good news is that most TMD cases resolve themselves with the help of conservative remedies that you can try at home. In fact, it's important to exhaust all such reversible remedies before moving on to anything irreversible, such as bridgework or surgery.

The two TMJs that connect your lower jaw, the mandible, to the temporal bone of the skull on either side, are actually very complex joints that allow movement in three dimensions. The lower jaw and temporal bone fit together as a ball and socket, with a cushioning disk in between. Large pairs of muscles in the cheeks and temples move the lower jaw. Any of these parts — the disk, the muscles or the joint itself — can become the source of a TMD problem. If you are in pain, or are having difficulty opening or closing your jaw, a thorough examination can help pinpoint the problem area; then an appropriate remedy can be recommended.

Causes of TMD

As with any other joint, the TMJ can be subject to orthopedic problems including inflammation, sore muscles, strained tendons and ligaments, and disk problems. TMD is also influenced by genes, gender (women appear to be more prone to it), and age. Physical and psychological stress can also be a factor. In some cases, jaw pain may be related to a more widespread, pain-inducing medical condition such as fibromyalgia (“fibro” – connective tissues; “myo” – muscle; “algia” – pain).

Clicking Sounds

Some people with TMD hear a clicking, popping or grating sound coming from the TMJ when opening or closing the mouth. This is usually caused by a shifting of the disk inside the joint. Someone standing next to you might even be able to hear it. Clicking by itself is actually not a significant symptom because one third of all people have jaw joints that click, studies show. However, if the clicking is accompanied by pain or limited jaw function — the jaw getting “stuck” in an open or closed position, for example — this would indicate TMD.

Muscle Pain

This can be felt in the cheeks (masseter muscles) and temples (temporalis muscles), where the two big pairs of jaw-closing muscles are located. If you feel soreness and stiffness upon waking up in the morning, it's often related to habits such as clenching and/or grinding the teeth at night.

Sleep Apnea

If you have this type of nocturnal habit, a custom-made nightguard should be very helpful in decreasing the force applied to your teeth, which will in turn allow your muscles to relax and relieve pressure on your jaw joints. Other self-care remedies are discussed below (please see Relieving the Pain).

Joint Pain

Pain that's actually coming from one or both jaw joints technically would be described as arthritis (“arth” – joint; “itis” – inflammation) of the TMJ. Radiographs (x-ray pictures) show that some people have arthritic-looking TMJs but no symptoms of pain or dysfunction; others have significant symptoms of pain and dysfunction but their joints look normal on radiographs. There is no cure for arthritis anywhere in the body, but medication can sometimes help relieve arthritic symptoms.

Relieving The Pain

Once you have been examined, a strategy for treating your condition and managing your pain can be developed. Sometimes a temporary change to a softer diet can reduce stress on the muscles and joints. Ice and/or moist heat can help relieve soreness and inflammation. Muscles in spasm can also be helped with gentle stretching exercises. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications and muscle relaxants can also provide relief.

Symptoms and Treatment Options

The hinge joining your jaw to your temporal bone is called the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ. You ought to be able to move your jaw in all directions if your TMJ is functioning properly.

5 to 12 percent of people have temporomandibular joint and muscle abnormalities (TMJD). TMJ issues are more prevalent in younger people, which is unusual for complications associated with persistent pain. Women experience TMJ issues at least twice as often as men. To learn more about the TMJ dysfunction treatment options, get in touch with our TMJ doctor at Muir Hill Dental located in Pleasant Hill, CA.

Some symptoms of TMJ include:

  • Pain and soreness are possible, particularly in the jaw joint and/or chewing muscles
  • Tightened jaw muscles
  • Having a restricted range of motion or locking the jaw
  • Persistent pain in the jaw, face, or neck
  • Altered fit between the top and bottom teeth
  • When shutting or opening the mouth, there is excruciating clicking, cracking, or grating in the jaw joint.
  • Discomfort or chewing challenges
  • Discomfort in the ears and their environs

We strongly advise seeking professional dental care from our TMJ specialist while struggling with TMJ. Our TMJ doctor will find the right TMJ treatment for jaw pain relief.

Dental appliances are a great alternative for therapy because they are effective and non-intrusive and greatly help with jaw pain relief, come in to speak with our TMJ specialist.

Another well-liked TMJ treatment is physical therapy. You can achieve this by engaging in face, mouth, and jaw workouts. Please contact our jaw pain doctor for additional information about TMJ dysfunction treatment to determine if this is an appropriate option for you.

Additionally, there are a number of treatments for conditions related to TMJ. These include arthrocentesis, modified condylotomy, arthroscopy, arthrotomy (open joint surgery), and other techniques. It's crucial to speak with our oral surgeon for TMJ before utilizing this technique to ascertain whether it's the best course of action for you.

At Muir Hill Dental located in Pleasant Hill CA, our TMJ specialist is qualified and experienced to diagnose and properly treat your Jaw Pain. TMJ sufferers can overcome their condition using a range of therapeutic approaches. Consult our doctors for TMJ and sleep apnea treatment if you have jaw pain; they can assess the severity of your TMJ and provide the best course of treatment.

Severe TMD cases may require more complex forms of treatment, which might include orthodontics, dental restorations like bridgework, or minor procedures inside the joint such as cortisone injections or lavage (flushing) of the joint. It's rare for major surgery ever to be necessary in a case of TMD. Again, it's important to try the wide range of conservative, reversible treatments available, and give them enough time to work as they almost always prove effective. The first step is an examination at the dental office.

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If you have a life-threatening or severe injury, call 911 or go directly to the nearest hospital emergency room. We can treat a variety of traumatic dental injuries, including teeth that have been chipped, moved, or knocked out entirely. Please call our office for assistance.

(925) 945-6204
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